Terasaka's Events

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Re: Terasaka's Events

Postby Zanaikin » Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:17 pm

Yuzuru considered it thoughtfully for a minute. "Talk to Kongomaru Aya in logistics and tell her to get what you need on my order; she should be able to find most if not all of what you need".

(what spell is this for anyways ?)


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Re: Terasaka's Events

Postby TheDude51 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 6:16 pm

"Thank you, I'll get right on it." Terasaka rolls up the map and carefully re-wraps. "I should be done one way or another by this afternoon, then we can get it back to the gatehouse."

Unless Kawanoe has something else important, Terasaka will then go see Kongomaru Aya for the components.

(This would be for Legend Lore, which requires "incense worth 250 gp" as a material component and "four pieces of ivory worth 50 gp each" as a focus. It has the most outrageously vague description of any spell I've ever seen, but the wards around Shikoku are definitely of legendary, so it will at least have some effect.)
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Re: Terasaka's Events

Postby Zanaikin » Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:23 pm

After looking around a while, Terasaka manages to find Aya in the castle's storage sections, still cataloging goods. When you told her what you needed and that Yuzuru has already allowed it, she didn't look happy in the slightest.
"I run this our storehouses now, so I'll be the judge of that," came the response, "explain to me exactly what you need this for, how you plan to use it, and why you have to use this."
( I need an impression/CHA and a diplomacy check )


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Re: Terasaka's Events

Postby TheDude51 » Sun Aug 07, 2011 2:31 pm

(Impression: 22; Diplomacy: 36)

"Well, you remember how we couldn't find the magical key to the Shikoku wards when we initially took the gatehouse? We've finally found the key item and confirmed what it is, but we still don't really know much about how it works. I need these components to cast Legend Lore and attempt to discover whether there are any specific rituals or procedures associated with the key that we might have to perform in order to maintain the wards. We obviously don't want to leave any chance of the wards coming down and letting the Oni out if we can avoid it."
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Re: Terasaka's Events

Postby Zanaikin » Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:12 pm

Aya's still not happy about it, but she seems to recognize its need as she gives Terasaka the components. She also tells him to go light on the expenditures, because the alliance's financial situation right now isn't particularly enviable.


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Re: Terasaka's Events

Postby TheDude51 » Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:00 pm

Terasaka thanks her for the incense and promises that everything he uses will be for a good cause.

He will then return to his quarters with the painting and take 1d4x10 minutes to cast Legend Lore on it.
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Re: Terasaka's Events

Postby Zanaikin » Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:54 pm

Information begins to bubble into Terasaka's mind as you undergo the ritual-casting of the Legend Lore spell. As expected, the painting is the central focus on the Shikoku wards. As long as the painting itself remains instact, the keep itself and all of the walls connected to it will be covered by a magical barrier that makes it untouchable to evil outsiders, as if the entire wall was radiating Magic Circle against Evil. The wards also radiates an antipathy effect against all creatures, and no creature may attempt to cross the high walls (climbing or flying over it) unless they surpass its compulsive magic through sheer willpower. The painting acts as the key to the wards, suppressing it when removed or flipped, damage/destroying it if itself is damaged or destroyed, and activating it when placed in the central pillar of the keep in an upright position. The auto-syncing process takes about a day to complete, after which a successful connection will allow the painting to channel the tremendous power of the local lay line the keep sits atop of into the wards.


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Re: Terasaka's Events

Postby TheDude51 » Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:30 pm

Terasaka will relate his findings to Kawanoe after the diplomatic mission to the villages, telling him that the wards are now inactive, but placing the key back in its proper location will be enough to reactivate them within a day. Further, he plans to return to the keep with his group to replace it, and invites Kawanoe to assign any extra protection he wants to the party if he feels it is needed.

He will also let Shigeru, Yumi, Todoroki, and Yuuta (if Yuuta has returned at this point) know about the situation.
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Re: Terasaka's Events

Postby Zanaikin » Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:21 pm

Kawanoe Yuzuru doesn't really believe that any extra guards are necessary, as there's virtually nothing between Nakakuni Castle and Shikoku Gate, and neither local scouts nor the tiny 'garrison' left behind reported anything unusual. Plus there's the fact very few people know Terasaka has this. If anything, assigning people might actually draw unwanted attention.

Todoroki does agree to come along.


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October 20th

Postby Zanaikin » Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:05 pm



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Moonflower Sap

Postby Zanaikin » Wed Oct 12, 2011 1:29 pm

Over the course of the last few weeks, Yumi has been steadily finding new herbs from the local areas that she'd ask Terasaka to try out in hopes that it would either suppress or partially fulfill his urges for fresh human(oid) blood. During the mission to Kisomura she seems to have finally found something: the blood red sap found in some of the moonflower trees seems to have a diluted effect in quenching the urges Terasaka has. This might simply be a byproduct of the moonflower trees' feast on the people of the village's camp, but nevertheless the sap is far from just blood extract so it may provide some use in the long run. In the meantime, Yumi had three flasks of sap preserved. One kept for studies later, and two she gave to Terasaka for emergencies (each flask counts as 1d2 constitution drain of blood).


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Re: Terasaka's Events

Postby TheDude51 » Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:45 pm

List of Commune questions for the night of the feast:

Is there a significant chance that Miki will endanger my life in the next week, assuming no hostile action on my part?

Does the Makino clan still have loyalty towards Tougou?
Would they be receptive to an offer to return to Tougou service?

Does the Mizuno clan still have loyalty towards Tougou?
Would they be receptive to an offer to return to Tougou service?

Does the Ikeda clan still have loyalty towards Tougou?
Do they resent the tanuki rule?
Would they be receptive to an offer to return to Tougou service?

Does the Saji clan still have loyalty towards Tougou?
Do they resent the tanuki rule?
Would they be receptive to an offer to return to Tougou service?

Are there smaller families that retain loyalty to Tougou and would be willing to return to his service?


The next day Terasaka will seek out Touka (along with any other knowledgeable people who were previously out scouting) and ask for her perspectives on the samurai clans, how they acted during the coup, their general attitude towards the Tougou and the tanuki, as well as whether she has any predictions about which ones would be most receptive to advances regarding defection from the tanuki rule.

Gather Info: 1d20+24=36
Diplomacy: 1d20+24=41
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Re: Terasaka's Events

Postby Zanaikin » Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:57 pm

( Wayyyy too generic darnit =P )

Is there a significant chance that Miki will endanger my life in the next week, assuming no hostile action on my part?
A: No

Does the Makino clan still have loyalty towards Tougou?
A: Somewhat
Would they be receptive to an offer to return to Tougou service?
A: Maybe

Does the Mizuno clan still have loyalty towards Tougou?
A: No
Would they be receptive to an offer to return to Tougou service?
A: Maybe

Does the Ikeda clan still have loyalty towards Tougou?
A: No
Do they resent the tanuki rule?
A: Somewhat
Would they be receptive to an offer to return to Tougou service?
A: Maybe

Does the Saji clan still have loyalty towards Tougou?
A: Yes
Do they resent the tanuki rule?
A: Somewhat
Would they be receptive to an offer to return to Tougou service?
A: Maybe

Are there smaller families that retain loyalty to Tougou and would be willing to return to his service?
A: Maybe


Touka looked rather indifferent towards your request for information, but she nevertheless thought for some time before giving you a response:

"The Makino and Mizuno care more about their own statuses than anything else; they're not content under tanuki rule, but I doubt their family heads would be interested in leaving their wealth and prestige behind to join an exiled clan--- that is not to say you won't find some honorable warriors who will uphold their past allegiances, and several branches of the Makino clan are known to be particularly stubborn."

"The Ikeda focus mostly on the current and their duties towards the people. You won't be able to move them unless you move the rest of the province."

"The Saji are a mystery. I know them to be malcontent with the Tanuki, yet they put on a face of acceptance and switched loyalties on the outside. There is much turmoil within the clan on why the family heads are agreeing to serve the Tanuki, but for whatever reason the heads are fully united over this approach, despite secretly supporting resistance groups such as our own. I could only presume there is an important reason that they've managed to hold secret only amongst the inner circles."

"Anything else?" She continued to stare at you with a rather cold expression.


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Re: Terasaka's Events

Postby TheDude51 » Wed Feb 01, 2012 9:45 pm

Terasaka thanks Touka politely for the help, but says he doesn't need anything else for now.

He will then cast Sending to contact Lord Tougou, saying:

"Rebels agree to return. Large Takeda army engaging Oda, results inconclusive. Believe this offers opportunities, teleporting to Nakakuni this afternoon to discuss options."
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Moonflower Sap Compounds

Postby Zanaikin » Wed May 16, 2012 12:37 pm

On the night of November 5th, Yumi drops by Terasaka's place while he was contemplating the next step of action in this mission. She was acting a little awkward at start, fidgeting around how she should open whatever it is she came to say, before taking a deep breath and simply jumping straight in...

"Terasaka, ummm, regarding that issue with blood of yours... well, you might remember that I've been trying to find another alternative, and, I think I might have something. I'm not all sure how likely this will work, and it might even be a little dangerous, but it's produced from the Moonflower Sap with some other herbs so there's a decent chance of having a successful result --- would you be interested, or have a moment, to try this out?"

At the same time, Yumi takes out four sealed vials, each containing some sort of dark red solution, and showed them to Terasaka...


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