Blackbog Keep

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Blackbog Keep

Postby Zanaikin » Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:14 am

(summaries only, too lazy to write any more than that...)

(date: APRIL 21)

Cary, Kovis, and Kilar (surprise!) meets you after your arrival at Blackbog.

A few things you notice right away was that the battle damage repairs have mostly been completed, and all the dead bodies buried. A Hallow effect now covers the entire fortress, giving it a far more pleasant aura. They have yet managed to completely rid of the smell, but it's gotten a lot better. All of the ward defenses are repaired and back online, and there's now an additional force screen (wall of force) shielding the fortress from above. Two Sky Galleons are already hovering just within the fortress wards - the Radiance (Cary's) and the Vindicator (Kovis'). Both the ships appear as if they had been upgraded like the Retribution.

(you're escorted up to the [freshly rebuilt] Blackbog Garrison Commander Meeting Room, which you blew up during the attack).

They also tell you the following:
1. Thanks to Kati being who she is, they finally managed to convince Lenneth to stop serving the Priests of the Church who'll only demote her further once they use her for all she's worth. Lenneth is currently leading the reconstruction efforts in Port Sarim and has 5 companies under her command. However, she believes only her Cavalry units will follow her should she turn against the Church.

2. As the Church of Misalin is currently allied with the Sacred Kingdom, there is a possibility that the Kingdom may help them rid of their foes - meaning, us here at Blackbog. The current force field stabilizer built atop the keep is meant to help defend against that. However, because this defense is hard to repair (requires wall-of-force casting) and would unlikely stand up to a serious bombardment of the scale shown in Winchester, they believe something better is necessary. The best selection they have thus far is a Prismatic Ward generator, covering the entire fortress in a large prismatic sphere. However as of now they have neither the resources nor the spells needed (a double-widened tactical prismatic sphere) to craft this generator.

3. Now that you're out of immediate danger, Kilar wants his gear back as he plans to leave immediately for Naralan. He believes that some of his old gnomish associates may provide our new 'Misalin faction' with some support, either financially, politically, or technologically. However, in order to properly thank the members for helping him escape hell and regain himself, he's offering the party his available liquid funds: 1,000,000gps, thus 250,000gps to each of you. (Kovis admits he had to go to a few banks in Archeron/Naralan to retrieve the gold, with Kilar's provided information. He suspects Kilar has other CDs worth at least three times this amount, just unavailable on a moment's notice).

4. Kilar and Kovis introduces you all to Glorard Stonefist, a Misalinian dwarven guildmaster who decided to support their cause. Maester Glorard has agreed to provide the party members supplies for the cheap price he offers his other friends. The stonefist guild, run by his Glorard's family, is probably the largest creationists guild currently in Misalin (due to destruction of Durum and Ironpeak).
--more details are available on the Allied Forces page--

5. The Terran Imperium have sent an envoy to Blackbog Keep just two days ago. They did confirm that they too, similar to their Vandalian allies and the Kingdom, are not of this world. They provided information that they, the Vandalians, and the Mantisir (whom did not land upon this world) formed what is called the Triple Alliance in order to resist Kingdom expansion in this 'galaxy' (sector of the multi-universe). The envoy claims that it is the Imperials who toppled this war's aggressor, the 'Lich King' Cogaau, and in effect took over Norinth from the inside. The Imperials also signed a treaty with the Vandalians granting them planetary control and expansion rights to Penthiae. However, their more immediate concern is that the planet, and its resources, do not fall into enemy hands. Originally the Imperials wished not to involve the local Penthiaens in this higher-tech fighting, but now it seems that is impossible. Therefore, the Imperials are willing to forge a terms of cooperation with those willing.
The Imperials have offered one item on the bartering table: the Artifact Sword Erylon. After some research, the Imperials believe that Erylon is linked to the interdimensional security of Penthiae, and that it locks down plane-shift travel between numerous planes and the material plane, including to the infinite levels of the Abyss. Furthermore, they believe that Erylon's power is help maintained by... something, beneath the White Citadel in Capital City, as its power seems to have been diminishing ever since it was taken. The Imperials believe that prolonged departure from Misalin may have devastating effects, particularly in regions furthest away from the sword's current location where interdimensional security will lift first. However, at the moment they are unwilling to return it, for they're afraid it will fall into enemy hands. They believe, that in the Kingdom's eyes, a weapon of such power which may easily tip the balance of the war before its energy drained is by FAR more important than another low-population planet.
Cary and Kovis didn't provide a reply, they asked for some time to decide, and the envoy asked them to return a message when they are ready.


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Postby Mr_Praetorian » Thu Feb 21, 2008 6:23 am

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Postby Zanaikin » Thu Feb 21, 2008 7:30 am



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Postby Mr_Praetorian » Thu Feb 21, 2008 1:12 pm

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Postby Zanaikin » Thu Feb 21, 2008 8:48 pm



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Postby Zanaikin » Thu Feb 21, 2008 10:56 pm

(date: APRIL 22)

Kilar sends a report back from Naralan. Apparently his supply of connections in Naralan is still plentiful:
--including: thanks to the destruction of my Item Familiar, I have to relearn teleport (amongst many other things). I haven't realized for so long how troublesome that is.

1. The Naralan Reserve Forces are currently at a standoff with the Imperium-Norinth combined forces. After detailed scouting, scrying, and a few skirmishers, Naralan high command estimates that the opposing force isn't nearly as strong as their initial information. Matter of fact, they believe they're facing only one Imperial brigade, one Blacklore regiment, and still supported by 10,000 third-generation undead (abomindations and behemoths). However, their skirmishing have proven the superiority of Imperial mobility and firepower. Naralan believes they've also discovered the intent of the Imperials in being there:
--To draw out the Naralan forces from within the nation (and Naralan can't afford to withdraw any back due to border pressure) and allow their elite assault squads to attack key points of Naralan industrial/military expansion.
--To cover the construction of a large "planetary defense" base, built on the edge of the Naralan border, which are capable of firing at Kingdom warships in 'orbit'. Due to the presence of a strong opposing Navy and light planetary support by enemy 'warp cannons', the Kingdom are unwilling to engage the enemy until reinforcements arrive. However, they did land dozens of their ground units, which look like colossal spider walkers, as well as most of their construction equipment in Naralan to assist the NRF (the rest are in Misalin).

2. The Naralan claim to have reliable information that the Imperium's goal is nothing less than to conquer Penthiae and become it's governors. As a matter of fact, the Imperials seem to claim the goal of uniting all humans, or humanoid decedents of Caerleon*, across the universe. Furthermore, unlike the Kingdom's goals, it is unlikely that the Imperials allow Penthiae full self-governance afterwards. They're already demonstrated this by making full reforms to Norinth governance, military, and economic systems. Changes which, everyone must admit for now, are far better than the alternative.
*History DC 25 to know that's the origin world of Penthiaens.

3. Currently the fighting has been mostly one-sided. The Imperial troops' superior speed and maneuverability allow them to engage on their own terms, while the Naralans do not have the field advantage to march out of their fortresses and challenge a decisive battle. On the other hand, Imperial raids into Naralan have been lessening due to improvements on focusing security measures and response units, but Naralan has been unable to counter. After all, they're a nation of merchants, engineers, and researchers, their "military commanders" merely a group of border patrol officers and military production guildmasters. They can adapt to role of blasters or auxiliaries, but assault mages or heavy knights, whom are needed to defend blasters from enemy champions, are not something they have. The two raids they launched against the Imperials both ended in disaster.
It is because of this that Naralan currently seeks elite units, units they can trust, to help them counter against the Imperials. The Misalin Guard currently have their own problems, the Archeronians still fighting for their own turf, and the Airindales planning who knows what in the deep forests. Kilar believes this may be a good opportunity for us. Also, assisting Naralan would mean helping the Kingdom with their war efforts, which in return should keep them from heeding any possible requests from Anstrun to assault Blackbog. Furthermore, the Naralans are willing to link us up with the Kingdom directly (provide comm. means), and of course provide us with supplies and equipment in exchange, even if we'll be put into the blurry line between 'allies' and 'mercenaries'.
As the Naralan believes in the integrity of Strusler's Silver Knights (Kovis: plus influence of Kilar's other underhanded dealings, most likely), they're willing to offer us availability to equipment that would not have been provided otherwise until we gained their trust. This equipment would be the Naralan's newly developed 'Golem Armor', meant for the use of warforged commandos they're currently training, and mostly likely also for commercial profit. The gnomes however are not willing to sell its construction methods or rights (as the same with numerous other goods they sell), but are willing to sell individual units to us at half the market cost. Reminder that this is in addition to all the other goods they sell (including Sky Galleons, which are insanely expensive though). Of course, this is all assuming we work with them, for no-body is willing to sell military supply to a possible foe.

Kilar says he managed to negotiate a deal that allows us to pay for only a quarter as downpayment should we purchase the Golem Armor, and the rest of the costs after we test it in battle. (It's been tested, but not in actual combat)


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Postby Mr_Praetorian » Fri Feb 22, 2008 2:03 am

"I'm not particularly happy with either option. As I've said before, I'm not terribly happy with the Sacred Kingdom for continuing to support Anstrun. On the other hand, this Imperium doesn't seem like much of a better option. they're all conquerors, the lot of them.

Though the possibility of reclaiming Erylon is certainly an important thing to contemplate, to think that we'd be siding with those who now freely manipulate the dead-lovers seems to be going a bit too far. I understand the need to fight for the greater good, but working with one who allies with the Norinthians?

Also to consider is that Naralan, unlike many of our own, has looked beyond our titles as traitors, and is willing to support us. This offer that they have made us is a sign of the kind of trusted ally-ship that we are in desperate need of. Beyond that, I have doubts that very many of our other potential allies would align themselves with them.

Thus, in my mind, the answer is come to the aid of Naralan, our only immediate allies in this fight. Though, I will say, Kovis, the idea of playing both sides and ridding this world of the extraplanars presence altogether is becoming more worth the risk by the moment."
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Postby Sajuuk » Fri Feb 22, 2008 5:29 am

(Okay, heres what i've got right now)

Kati has returned Kilar's Ring of Superiority to him (before he left).

It is crucial that we gain allies such as Naralan. Their technological assistance would greatly aid our cause.

It is important to figure out what Sacred Kingdom's opinions on our little rebellion are.

Allying with Imperium would (hopefully) give us access to Eryoln. And if what they are saying is true, than the sword needs to be returned to the White Citadel soon.

The party badly needs downtime, so we cannot immediately send the command squad to Naralan. (I'm assuming that the retraining is going to take around a week)

At this point in time the most advantageous course of action seems to be allying with Naralan, however we should not forget that Eryoln needs to be recovered and returned to its rightful place (which wouldn't be easy with Anstrun in control).

Goals (in no particular order):
Subvert Anstrun's control
Regain Eryoln
Support Naralan
Prevent Imperium from building the Planetary Defense Base (if possible)
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Postby TheDude51 » Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:51 pm

"From what I can understand, the trouble began with some sort of armed conflict between two faction of Misalenians at our teleportation point. From what I understand, Commander's Gant and D'Rothwynn were attacked briefly by a group of other Misalenians. An invisible spellcaster began firing on both my troops and the Misalenians attacking Gant and D'Rothwynn, killing several of the Misalenians. According to reports from my officers on the scene, the two sides ceased fighting shortly thereafter, and the encounter ended peacefully.

"Afterwards, Cardinal Helge began interviewing all of the Misalenian troops. Although they tried to conceal it, word leaked out that they were imprisoning those who seemed loyal to Strusler's ideals. Getting word of this, a group of their men apparently determined to escape the city before they could be taken. They were confronted by a group of loyal troops, who attempted to reason with them. At this point, an invisible spellcaster fired a non-lethal spell at the loyalist troops, knocking most of them unconscios. The insurgents quickly went on a rampage, trampling the fallen loyalists and attempting to escape the city.

"It should be noted that, as the situation developed, Commander D'Rothwynn sent me repeated messages demanding the use of our teleport point.

"Hoping to rid the city of the trouble, I ordered the gates opened as the insurgent troops approached them, allowing them to exit. However, their headlong flight stopped abruptly soon after they left the city. In a short time, the Sky Galleon Retribution picked them up, and departed the city via teleportation.

"About half of the Misalenian troops left with them, including all of the high-ranking officers."
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Postby Squall255 » Sat Feb 23, 2008 1:52 am

Ulrich's responses:
1: "It is good to know that others have seen the truth. I feel that we should recall Lenneth immediately, lest she be demoted and her leaving become less symbolic.

2:This defensive magic is not really a divine concern, but hopes that it can be accomplished if it is really necessary. He doesn't really know how bad the bombardment at winchester was, as he was not there.

3:Ulrich agrees and returns Kilar's belongings without hesitation, and appreciates the compensation.

4:Ulrich greatly appreciates the hint of Allies, and feels that their aid should be of utmost importance. He is considering requesting some troops be sent ahead of the command squad, to give the command squad time to recover, but still aid our allies.

5: Ulrich is distrustful of the Imperium due to their allegiance with Norinth. He is slightly concerned about the sword, but does not know terribly much about it. He'd rather remain neutral in intergalactic affairs.

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Postby Zanaikin » Sat Feb 23, 2008 6:45 am

Cary: "It seems we're mostly in agreement of the need to extract Lenneth as soon as possible. The only thing remaining is the need to move her troops, as a company of heavy cavalry would hardly fit onboard the airship's top deck, and they can't access the lower decks due to the horses. The best method would be to take advantage of a teleportation circle, which none of us here can cast."

(btw, I am not compiling you guys' ideas for you if there are minor differences, you're responsible for settling that. So host some discussions when enough of you are online.
In-game days will be advanced slowly whether you come up with a solution or not.)


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Postby Mr_Praetorian » Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:59 pm

((What exactly do you want us to decide? To my knowledge, we're not exactly high commander here.))
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Postby Mr_Praetorian » Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:42 am

Later that night...

As he had promised, Derovarr gathered together his soldiers in the east courtyard with the purpose of explaining the method that had lead to the madness at Trelling.

"Brothers, sisters, and comrades. As I had sworn outside the gates of Trelling to the NCOs leading the "insurgency" that arose in light of the "screening" process, I shall now elaborate as to what exactly transpired.

Let begin, by giving the full recount of what happened in the teleportation keep. Earlier in the day, myself and Lady Gant were summoned by Anstruns dispatch to the keep, so that we could be taken back to the Capitol City for reassignment. We were also informed that you, uor soldiers would be telleported back to winchester.

But we new, and we had known for quite some time, that these dispatchers were not, in fact here to simply recall us, they were there to capture us, and bring us before the mad Archpriest himself, that we might have been tried for our conviction and loyalty.

And so, we resisted...

Our Archpriest has truly fallen, comrades, as he saw fit to undermine us by tricking those who were there to take us into believing that it was we who had fallen. It was a clever trap they had set up for us. A trap which lead all in the chamber that day to believe that Lady Gant had opened fire upon our own comrades! The trick was successful, and so all she and myself were swayed to believe that we had gone rogue.

What ensued was a struggle to regain stability that seemed to last a lifetime. Myself and Lady Gant were besieged on all sides by the result of Anstrun's agenda as well as deception. Even some of those here who we counted as loyal to the true cause of Misalin fell to his trickery.

Besieged on all sides by his petty agenda, we nonetheless stood our ground. In the end, at the expense of many lives that could have been spared, stability was regained, and we were fully able to understand what had transpired. We decided at that point to adjourn to the Retribution, that we might come to resolution as to how to deal with the new challenge before.

It was agreed, that our path was to come to join our allies at Blackbog, but the difficulty was not in finding a location, it was in finding a way to track down those of us with allegiance to the Doctrines of Strusler. After reviewing our options, we decided that there were three possible plans of execution.

First, that those who were already on board the airship leave immediately. This option was shot down outright. Never would we fathom leaving so many of Misalin's finest behind.

Second was to try to explain the what had transpired to a gathering of forces. While this plan was far less deceptive as other options, we found it risked open violence far too much than we hoped for.

The third was the Screening, which, regretfully, was of my own devising. There was would be a screening of every unit, and those who we determined to hold ideals closest to ours would be temporarily detained. When completed, we would use the teleportation keep to move everyone out, hopefully before daybreak.

Of course, as we all know, such thoughts were far too naive...

The plan was simple, constrained by time and anxiety, fraught with error, and lacking in contingencies. We had scarcely made it past 100 when most of us standing here arose to strike out against Anstrun's officer, as man, who was actually on our side; the "operative" who I told many of you of.

Though disrupting to the plan itself, I commend those who took part in it. For in doing so, they demonstrated the kind of conviction that we were looking for. For those men who stood against them, let the blame not fall on them, they were only following the maddened orders which I had gave them.

Comrades. I accept full responsibility for the tragedy that befell us on that day It wrought from expediency, and not from expertise. It placed those who I trusted and who trusted me in return in grave jeopardy. For this, I am sorry.

But, as regretful a day as it was, the result was still the unification of those who still hold to the true ideals of Misalin...

So it will that here at Blackbog shall those who fight for Misalin, who fight for people will stand. It will be here that we will make war upon those that threaten our allies. It it will be here, with these walls, that we chall forge the future of our country.

Let no man or woman call these soldiers who stand before me traitors, and if, they do, let them me struck down by the Gods or by one of us. For, to say such a thing is a heresy of its own: to call those who continue to fight in spite of being eschewed by one's owns Church.

We will not be deterred by such petty and unfounded mandates. Anstrun may have the power to take from us our homes and besmirch our names, but, by the Gods, he will not take our conviction!

As a Guardsmen, we took an oath. An oath to defend our people beyond code, doctrine, and scripture alike. An oath that we shall keep and serve no matter where we are chased to. An oath that we shall fight and die by.

As I said, in defiance, to the Anstrun's hounds in the teleport keep: He may brand me with whatever malign and accursed title he wishes, but it will not break my will, nor my conviction to my people. He may foul my name all he wishes, but I will not kneel to his tyranny. He may brand me a traitor, but I would hold my ground against the vilest of fiends if it meant that my people would see the sunrise.

It is in these times comrades, that we must look to each other for strength. We far few in number, but certainly not in strength an conviction. In these next few months we must strive to act as the true guardians of Misalin, through both word of mouth and actions. We must show the people of this realm that the true warriors of Misalin yet stand for the ideals which we were sworn to uphold. In doing so, we shall also illuminate the hideous crimes that he is now committing against his own country.

Comrades, our beloved guard may have been torn asunder, but we will not be deterred. In spite of damage done to the unity that Lord Strusler strived for so long to keep and solidify, we will press on, both for him and our people. For as long as we fight for the justice which we are sworn to, we shall not die ashamed...

Our conviction absolute...

Our loyalty unwavering...

Our solidarity unbreakable...

COMRADES!!! (banner extends from haft of halberd) WE WILL STAND!!!"
(Raising of Halberd into the air. Diplomacy: 50)
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Postby Zanaikin » Sun Feb 24, 2008 4:55 am



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Postby Mr_Praetorian » Sun Feb 24, 2008 5:50 pm

"Consequently, we do know someone who has teleporation circle capability. The problem with this person is that I'm not sure if we can trust him. The person I speak of is Commander Revmiren of the Trelling Garrison. The reason I am skeptical is because during the final moments of our stay in Trelling, he was acting rather strangely.

However, it may be worth investigating. Though, if we do contact him, the person doing so should not be me.

As to the matter of Konstantin and the Kharvan province. I agree that we should join in alliance with them as well. Lady Gant's family connection notwithstanding, the Archeronians are a sturdy and loyal people, and, if we can show them that the Warriors of Blackbog are the same soldiers who stood with them at both Trelling and Winchester, it only only help us the more.

Additionally. It would seem that the Imperials have indirectly become our enemies. As such, I would greatly appreciate it if our allies could begin forwarding us any tactical or strategic data on them. We'll need to know as much as we can, so that we may begin drilling our soldiers as soon as possible."
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