[9/28/2141] Operation Spieluhr

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Re: [9/28/2141] Operation Spieluhr

Postby TheDude51 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:34 am

Ivan [Message to 42nd Brigade Command]: "Colonel Pahlen, move the 42nd Brigade west to the intersection of the Kochikaze, Asakura, and Tsutsui territories. Destroy the Asakura sky cruiser contingent before it can meet up with the rest of the enemy's forces and neutralize any enemy fortifications in the immediate area. Speed is of the essence, so leave the Landship at Base CK-1 and have all units travel at full speed."

[To 77th Command Staff]: "Maintain our current vector until we can see how the Sky Cruiser force reacts to the 42nd's movement."
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Re: [9/28/2141] Operation Spieluhr

Postby Zanaikin » Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:14 am

After Colonel Pahlen returns his acknowledgment, the 42nd brigade set out at full speed towards the Asakura-Tsutsui units near the border. Within half an hour's time the 42nd reports engaging the enemy. The battle was over within minutes' time, and the 42nd brigade reports only heavy casualties to one of their armor companies. All three Asakura Sky Cruisers and both the Tsutsui and Asakura fortifications were destroyed.

Around the same time, the Northern Tsutsui-Mohara (transport) force stopped completely. However, they also did not withdraw, but merely stopped at a half hour's distance away from the Tsutsui fortifications.

At this time, the southern force, still chasing the 77th brigade, began firing against the Imperials rearside left flank at maximum range. Accuracy was extremely low, but the sheer density of the volley caused several hits to be scored on the 6th armor company posted on the outermost perimeter to take several proximity shell hits.


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Re: [9/28/2141] Operation Spieluhr

Postby TheDude51 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:27 am

Ivan: "42nd Brigade, move south-southwest at full speed to engage the enemy cruiser force. 77th Brigade, retreat southeast and stay just outside of enemy range until the 42nd is able to begin its final approach."
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Re: [9/28/2141] Operation Spieluhr

Postby Zanaikin » Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:26 am

It took 40 some minutes for the 42nd to rush south from the NE corner of Tsutsui to near the effective engagement range to the enemy cruiser fleet. With some vector adjustments, the 77th also managed to stay ahead of the enemy to keep out of their effective bombardment range for the duration (except one previously damaged MBT which suffered an engineering failure; it was abandoned by the crew and self-destructed).

Some time after the 42nd's turn south, the enemy northern force also turned to begin tailing the 42nd, although they were keeping enough distance that allowed them to pull back within the firing range of Tsutsui' northern fortifications should the 42nd turn back around towards them.

At 0442, 9/29/2141...

Major Bayreuth: "The 42nd is about to reach equal range to the enemy as that of our own forces."

[ Map updated ]


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Re: [9/28/2141] Operation Spieluhr

Postby TheDude51 » Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:30 am

Ivan: "77th, reduce speed and turn to face the enemy. Long range units from both brigades, coordinate fire on one sky cruiser at a time and disable their turrets. Armored companies advance at full throttle to engage at close range. REDEINs, follow behind the Armored Companies and be ready to intercept enemy skimmers or cruise missiles. Hussars, advance with the foremost armored company and use ECMs to disrupt enemy targeting.

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Re: [9/28/2141] Operation Spieluhr

Postby Zanaikin » Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:49 pm

The 77th swiftly reversed their vectors and fanned out against the enemy's main fleet. The IFVs and artillery units spread out for maximum targeting clearance while the armored companies accelerated to full speed to begin their attack run against the Cruiser formation. The Hussar Scout units, reassigned from every company, charged at the fore, putting all power into their ECM and evasive maneuvering. Meanwhile the 77th launched a full complement of REDEINs, to tail just behind the assault vehicles. The 42nd send half a complement of REDEINs that they previously called from their landship still parked in base CK-1.

At soon as the 77th reversed, the Northern enemy force's 3 Sky Cruisers accelerated to their maximum speed in order to close in towards the 42nd brigade.

The fight began in earnest as both sides' long range weapons began firing by volley, pounding upon one another. The lead Cruiser of the enemy fleet was immediately engulfed in smoke and flames as HVM fire poured into it from two angles, while the Chromian Cruisers were coordinating their fire by squads at the Imperials' charging units of the 77th. It seems the enemy has collected enough information to select the MBTs as their primary targets, but the Hussar Scouts (both real and their ECM decoys) were definitely drawing off a significant portion of the fire as they interfered with the enemy's targeting.

After a minute and the crippling of several Sky Cruisers already, the Chromians launched their own screening units proper. Over 200 airskimmers from the Cruisers and 60 Corvettes from the two Assault Transports flew out. However, instead of flying out at full speed to meet their targets, they instead formed a defensive screen between themselves and 42nd brigade, their ECMs interfering with the fire from the 42nd but keeping their angle of fire against the 77th clean.

Meanwhile, the armored units of the 77th were being ravaged by the enemy fire. Within just a minute, the 4th and 5th armor were taking crippling casualties (>70%) threatening to annihilate any structural organization within these units (both Captains have already been killed and officers further down the chain-of-command have taken over). Major Bayreuth ordered them to slow down behind the 2nd and 6th, the last two undamaged armor companies of the force. The Hussar Scout units in the front also lost more than half their numbers.

[ post any orders asap before I move forward ]


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Re: [9/28/2141] Operation Spieluhr

Postby TheDude51 » Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:07 am

Ivan: "Katyushas, shift fire to focus on the enemy screening elements, try to clear them out. Langskips, fire a volley at the remaining skimmers and corvettes after the missile barrage thins them out."

"REDEIN pilots, launch a second wave on autopilot to catch up with the Armored Companies. Have the current detachment advance in front of the tanks and try to screen them from enemy fire."

(How far is the northern Sky Cruiser contingent from the rear elements of the 42nd Brigade?)
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Re: [9/28/2141] Operation Spieluhr

Postby Zanaikin » Wed Jul 01, 2009 4:26 pm

[ It'll take another 10min or so just for the Northern Cruiser force to get into any decent firing range of the 42nd ]

The 77th landship launched its second REDEIN complement (which more or less comprised of all the remaining REDEINs) on auto towards the front, while the first wave pushed forward to screen the MBT formation. The Katyusha MLRS units however are still in the state of reloading.

At this time, the opposition airskimmer force abandoned their screening positions and accelerated in full towards the advancing elements of the 77th. Company commanders of the armored units quickly ordered their HVMs to re-target the incoming hostiles. They came within contact of the Hussar & REDEIN screening elements within a minute. Both sides flushed their missile racks, and in under half a minute of combat the Imperials' defensive screen quickly disintegrated under the Chromians' numerical superiority of nearly three-to-one in fast strike craft. Furthermore, it seems these airskimmers, be it their equipment or their pilots, were more capable than those faced earlier today. The airskimmer force then shot through and around the Imperials' armored companies, pushing straight towards the 2nd REDEIN wave whilst clearing the engagement front for the Sky Cruisers' sensors.

The 2nd REDEIN wave soon began their exchange, and despite the Chromians still holding a numerical superior in strike craft, the depletion of their external missile packs and support fire/counterfire by the MBTs made the initial exchange favor the Imperials by far. But that would change as soon as close combat starts as the two formations interpenetrate...

Meanwhile, the 2nd and 6th armor companies of the 77th brigade were starting to incur moderate to heavy casualties from the enemy cruisers' long-ranged fire...


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Re: [9/28/2141] Operation Spieluhr

Postby TheDude51 » Thu Jul 02, 2009 3:01 am

Ivan: "77th HVMs, focus fire on those airskimmers, try to thin out their numbers."
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Re: [9/28/2141] Operation Spieluhr

Postby Zanaikin » Thu Jul 02, 2009 8:09 pm

The fight against the airskimmer force quickly tilted over to the Imperials' favor as support fire poured in from the entire brigade, even though long-range fire wasn't very accurate against the mass of both friendly and hostile light-strike-craft jumbled together in air combat. Yet, that did not prevent the destruction of nearly every single Imperial REDEIN. The 77th brigade had launched every REDEIN they had in the two waves (plus a few stragglers sent as extra spares), less than a dozen managed to withdraw from the fighting. The Tsutsui pilots in particular proved they were every bit as good, if not even better, than their Imperial counterparts, particularly in the center where one notable airskimmer downed 9 REDEINs by himself before he was shot down.

The Chromian strike craft may have won against the Imperials' screening elements, but not a single one of them made it back out alive. The few that survived their engagement with the REDEIN waves were quickly shot down. A portion of the Chromian pilots, those that managed to eject successfully, soon became the only non-friendly units nearby.

The armor units' charge continued under hideous fire. The 2nd armor's organization collapsed completely after their losses exceeded 90%, and soon the 6th armor followed suit. Major Bayreuth pulled back any survivors of the two units to the rear of the armored front. The 3rd armor, which already suffered heavy casualties the previous battle, was virtually annihilated in whole (only 2 combat vehicles + supporting vehicles survived). The 1st armor company soon became the only unit that still retained its captain, although even their losses had exceeded 50%.

In the north, the 42nd brigade's spearhead armor company also took moderate casualties from the enemy railgun corvettes. But that defensive screen soon vanished under the Imperials' HVM fire and the new Katyusha MLRS barrage.

Still, half the Sky Cruisers had already lost most of their primary armaments, including two that were sunk completely due to drive failures.

Then, the moment finally comes...

Major Bayreuth: "MBTs entering energy range."


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Re: [9/28/2141] Operation Spieluhr

Postby Zanaikin » Fri Jul 03, 2009 4:34 am

[ Continuing on... ]

The remnants of the 77th's armor came into range first, and the few MBTs that remained, roughly a sixth of the original numbers, fired their plasma lances. However they ended up receiving far more retaliatory fire from the cruisers, which shattered any remaining cohesion the 1st armor company still had left. Yet despite their loss ratios, the troops continued to fight as individual units, a testament to the professional discipline that the Imperium Legion bestowed upon their troops.
The cruisers then turned their main guns towards the more dangerous opponent - the armored units of the 42nd brigade - while flank turrets and lighter weapons continued to counter the 77th's units. But it was too late as a moment later, over 150 MBTs of the 42nd reached energy range and concentrated their well-coordinated fire against the Sky Cruisers.

It took less than a minute before the three Sky Cruisers of the enemy's northern force turned around the began retreating back towards their base at maximum speed.

The 42nd was still now taking losses, but the exchange was overwhelmingly on their side. In just a few minutes, the Imperials destroyed seven cruisers and reduced five more to burning wrecks that were rapidly falling towards the ground below. At this point only twelve cruisers remained, eleven of which had already received crippling damage to their weapon systems...

The comm. officer soon noted an incoming transmission over the public channels:

"We surrender! This is Commodore Sasawara of the Tsutsui 4th Cruiser Triad! We request to surrender immediately and unconditionally so please stop this slaughter!---"

Despite the message, a number of the remaining Chromian weapon turrets were still firing. There was a good chance the command structure on their end had already lost control.


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Re: [9/28/2141] Operation Spieluhr

Postby TheDude51 » Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:17 am

Ivan replies on the public channel: "Cease firing immediately and you will not be harmed."

To Armored Companies: "Spare any cruiser that stops firing. Try to avoid sinking any more of them if possible, but do what you need to to protect our men."
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Re: [9/28/2141] Operation Spieluhr

Postby Zanaikin » Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:56 pm

It took another minute or so, with the destruction and sinking of another four cruisers before all hostile fire ceased.

A sizable number of lifeboats and smaller transport vessels, bearing crew members that escaped their ships' destruction, were still flying down towards the plains below...

Major Soissons: "We should break at least one infantry company, probably two, apart to start recovering our own survivors that are still drifting about. They're stretched across a rather wide area right now."

[ Updated unit status ]


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Re: [9/28/2141] Operation Spieluhr

Postby TheDude51 » Sat Jul 04, 2009 4:22 am

Ivan: "Consolidate both brigades within a few miles of the Sky Cruisers. Colonel Pahlen, get the 42nd organized and ready to move out once we finish with the battlefield cleanup here."

"5th and 6th Infantry, spread out and recover our downed pilots. Ahmet, have the Flag Platoon on standby for fast response if they encounter resistance on the ground."

"Major Gevorki, take the 3rd Recon, plus the 1st Grenadier, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Infantry, and the two Cross Knight Squads and prepare to board the Sky Cruisers that surrendered. Disarm the marines and pacify any resistance. Take into custody all the officers, plus the bare minimum crew needed to move the ships. Drop off everyone else on the ground."

Message to the enemy force: "This is Colonel Ivan Karamazov of the Terran Imperium. Hold your current position and prepare for boarding. I have no desire for further bloodshed, and no one will be harmed as long as you cooperate."
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Re: [9/28/2141] Operation Spieluhr

Postby Zanaikin » Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:52 pm

The infantry units boarded to begin disarming the enemy Cruisers. A few skirmishes did break out, but the few enemies were too disorganized to put up any heavy resistance. Soon infantry units already reported the successful capture and seizure of four of the Sky Cruisers.

Then an open transmission went out from one of the crippled cruisers...


...and the entire Sky Cruiser exploded as its reactor went into critical, hammering the shields of the vehicles nearby and cutting communications to the three platoons of infantry that went onboard.


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